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Thread: Angry!!!

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  1. #1
    Registered User neutralfighter1's Avatar
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    Angry Angry!!!

    I am sorry if this has already been posted, ( I tried to search the forums but i got a bad url)
    but I am TOTALLY P***ED about all of those stupid posers out there who criticize the Xbox 360 on MINOR details! They complain on stupid little things like "Oh, no! My Xbox froze!" or "It scratched my disk!"
    Or the ever popular "It was a big letdown because it didn't meet my sky fu**in high expectations, so I'm going to place my trust in the PS3 even though when it releases it's pictures it cleans them up nice and good so it can look like something their really not, even though it already crashed BEFORE it was even released because they were so scared of the competition from the Xbox 360 that they tried so hard to outdo the Xbox graphics wize that it caught it's own fu**in self on fire!"
    The Xbox 360 is an amazing machine and it deserves to be in every house in the whole world because you can trust Microsoft and it's programmers over the those lying, cheating, backstabbing, jerk offs who work at Sony who call themselves programmers!
    And I don't think that many people know this but the pictures for Metal Gear for the PS3 have been cleaned up and spitshined so it would look better than the Xbox 360 to outdo it's sales. And in an interview with Sony they anounced that those pictures weren't "officially" released by them. And they said something else about their not promising that it will look like that. Hmmm.... I wonder what that means? **cough**lying**cough**fu--s**cough**.
    But anyways back on the subject of critics.
    While I was reading the newspaper (Yes, I'm 15 and I can read.) a consumer was interviewed who had recently purchased a Xbox 360 from BestBuy and said that it froze on him, saying quote "I used to be a big Microsoft fan, but now my trust in them has been lost because of this."
    Big whoop'dy fu**in doo! EVERY console has glitches when it is released! And if he doesn't want it then step aside and give it to someone else who wants and deserves it. Instead of wasting $300 to complain about a system who you camped outside in a sleeping bag in the middle of 45 degree weather with your next months rent in your hand for something your gonna bi**h about.
    And even if you get a faulty Xbox then use that little thing that's called a warranty that comes with every system including your beloved Sony gaming consoles.
    Come on guys! Be smart! And don't be a jack a** just because you couldn't get laid from your already ugly Sony loving girlfriend because you bought a Microsoft console!
    Thank you for hearing my plee for sanity in this fu**ed up world. Feel free to respond. I will be back with more evidence of this heracy. God save us all.
    Last edited by neutralfighter1; 12-22-2005 at 06:39 PM.

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