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Thread: Faceplate Database has new plates

  1. #1

    Default Faceplate Database has new plates

    48, to be exact. I darn near refilled the whole front page (it holds 50). I'll add more in a day or two. so check out the new ones before they go off the front page and into the catalog.

    I still have over 300 faceplate images to be added - some are dupes, some have multiple images, so there won't be 300 MORE plates. I mean, eventually but not right now. I uploaded a lot of "additional pics", and did a lot of sorting and trashing, so I did about 150 faceplates worth of work today, even if I only got 48 out of it.
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  2. #2


    25 more plates have been added to the database, bringing it to 1,625. I'm shooting for 1,800 but I think I can top it. Look for new plates every couple of days for a while.
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  3. #3


    Up, up and away. We hit 1,650 today.

    Still have 292 inages in the folder, and I know of some plates that are missing.
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  4. #4
    FSU Student! Steeps5's Avatar
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    Doing pretty good =)
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    Thanks Donatello for the sig!

  5. #5


    I still have a few I need to dig out, snap a picture of, and send to you
    Executive Editor

  6. #6


    We are now at 1,700 faceplates, woo hoo!

    I'm going to post this in 159's console thread because... well, go there for info.
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  7. #7
    Hellon earth159
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    Beautiful New Jersey


    Congrats on hitting the 1700 mark. How many more pictures do you have left to post?

  8. #8


    A couple hundred at least, but some of those are extra images of plates already in the database.

    Maybe today I'll go through and try to upload all of those extra images so I can quit counting them. I'm having some trouble with my left eye this week so it's been hard to be on the computer.
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  9. #9


    I found a duplicate that I had to delete, so we're back down to 1,699 lol.

    I may have two more. If anyone wants to look under Microsoft Prototypes, there are the blue circles and aqua circles. I'm not convinced that they aren't the same plate under different lighting. If anyone has seen them both together, that would be good to know.

    I have 216 images remaining after spending the last couple of hours posting the "additional" images for the plates already in the database, trimming up images, etc. Out of those 216, I'm going to guess that 30 of them are "additional" images of the same plate. That's going to put us shy of 1,900 plates when all is said and done. I know there are more plates out there. I just need to find them. I think - seriously - when I get to 2,000, I'm going to call it the comprehensive list and leave it at that, unless a very special plate sees the light of day. Us customizers can churn them out forever, so it has to stop somewhere. 2,000 is the number, I think.
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  10. #10


    1,747 with about 120 left to go (give or take).
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  11. #11


    Oh, dear.

    I got to 1,790 and hit the wall. I got distracted by Facebook, then by DeviantArt... and that was the big mistake. I went looking for more faceplates and now my folder with 119 faceplates left has... let me see... 227. Some of those are dupes, and some are just garbage I'll probably toss. It's gonna be close to 2,000 though, when the dust settles.

    Woo hoo! To bed I go!
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  12. #12


    I need to upload more faceplate and I don't wanna.
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  13. #13


    1,901, mofos!

    Looks like I've got about 102 left, give or take a couple.

    Pierrevincy, most of the last batch of plates were yours. Look over them and tell me if I need to change the manes of the plates, like if there is something you prefer. for instance, I could only guess that the plate with the car was Forza 3. If it isn't, I need to know. Thanks

    **EDIT** Had to delete a duplicate. 1,900 even.
    Last edited by SpaceGhost2K; 12-05-2010 at 02:06 AM.
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  14. #14
    Registered User pierrevincy's Avatar
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    that's not the faceplate for FORZA 3 .

    I've created it in order to be signed by the 7th time world champion of rallye ( WRC ) Sebastien LOEB . It was easy for me because my father play golf with his uncle .

    So it will be more appropriate for the WRC game.
    I will recover the two signed plate when I'll come back to France for Christmas .

    I've still two signed plate from him on black Elite plate :

  15. #15


    OK, I changed the description, and I'll add the signed plate when you get it back.

    Let me know any changes I need to make to the others.
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  16. #16
    Registered User pierrevincy's Avatar
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    it's OK for the names.
    these faceplates are missing in the list:

  17. #17


    I think they're still in the folder to be added but I might not have the MW plate. Thanks
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  18. #18


    The faceplate database currently stands at 1,952 faceplates. I have 70 left in my folder to be added, and I need to grab ghostrider's shots of his signed RDR plates. So that should be 2,026?
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  19. #19


    The sound barrier has been sufficiently broken.

    The faceplate database now stands at... drumroll please...

    2,010 faceplates.

    I only have sixteen left in my folder, which will give us a (semi) final total of 2,026 faceplates. One of them I know I've seen before, so if it's a duplicate, we'll be at 2,025.

    By the way, there's a new one in there that you can find by searching for "Cortana purple". I think it's really freakin' cool.
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  20. #20
    Hellon earth159
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    Beautiful New Jersey


    I don't know if it's my browser or the faceplate page, but I don't see any button next to the search box to kick off the search.

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