Originally posted by Masterchief1018
OK, I just want to know what the hell is up with everyone saying PS2 is sooo much better than Xbox and it has so many more quality games. The fact is that Xbox and PS2 were released a year seperately from each other. You cannot compare two systems that were released seperatley. Ok.... let's start off with the graphics. Xbox: 733 Processor, PS2: 255 or something like that. Xbox wins, hands down. A 255 Computer isn't faster that a 733, get over it. Now on to the games, considering PS2 had a year head-start: Xbox's launch offered several quality games right from the get-go. Halo(which is about 5X better than any game on PS2 IMO), DAO3, PGR, Oddworld. So Xbox at launch > PS2 at launch. If one really stops and thinks about it PS2 did not really start to put out most of its stellar titles untill about the one year anniversary of its launch. Now, with Xbox's 1-year anniversary approaching it has some pretty damn good titles coming out. Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, Unreal Championship, Brute Force (hopefully), and Panzer Dragoon Orta to name a few. Now, with all these stellar games it is quite possible that Xbox after year 1 could be > PS2 after year 1. I think this is quite possible!
Good post man.