....."This is fire team Sigma. We have picked up movement signatures in section 002 of Deck E; we are moving in to investigate."
Another deep, but soothing voice breaks the unnerving silence, "Fire Team Sigma, this is Sergeant Howard, hold your positions and I will send back-up." The Sergeant waits impatiently for a response. "Sigma, do you hear me?"
"Negative Sir, you are breaking up, I can hardly understand you."
Sergeant scoffs, "Bull, I want you to wait for my team to arrive; we will both handle this Marine."
"Can hardly hear you, Sir. I'm going in with my team. We will report our findings."
"Sigma! Damn it," The Sergeant looks over to the Corporal of his team, "Jones."
The small man jumped at the noise. He turned around quickly gathering himself. "Sir?"
"What is the closest unit we have to Sigma?"
Corporal fumbles over his fingers as he types in the search order on a computer access terminal. "Scanning now, sir." A moment later the Corporal turned, looking at the sergeant with a nervous looking half smile. "Deck E section 004 Sir; Sentinel 117 Sir, Wolf."
Sergeant sighs a sign of relief. "Can you patch me through to him?"
"Um," Corporal twiddles thumbs. "I might, Sir."
The sergeant takes a step closer to the Corporal putting his hand on his shoulder and ****ing his head. "Calm down. Now what do you mean by, "Might"?"
"Well Sir," he says as he takes a step back, and takes a deep breath. "They use," But a tough, but calming voice breaks into the conversation.
"This is Wolf, Sentinel 117."
The Corporal jumps from the sudden noise, almost falling over his feet.
Sergeant sighs as the disgraceful Corporal. "Sir. Glad to hear from you. We need help with Fire Team Sigma." The sergeant turn around and took a deep breath, "They have disobeyed a direct order and investigated section 002 of Deck E,"
Wolf loads his gun, "Don't worry Sergeant, I'll get them back." With that Wolf opens the air lock, he then proceeds, quickly but carefully, to his target.
Sigma arrives at the section 002 air lock.
"Sir, are you sure this is a good idea?"
The Corporal just looks at the private. "Are you scared, Private?"
The Private shakes head. "Hell no, Sir," The private raises his gun, pulling back the hammer, loading the chamber. "Let's kick some ass."
"Very well men." The Corporal then stands up, checking his weapon. "Carrera, open that door."
Private Carrera rose from her position and hit the emergency release button on the door. It flew open, atmosphere vented into the hallway.
"I don't like this sir." said Graham
The team moves as one as they enter a very dark hall. The motion sensor in the hall picks up the marines and activates the lights. The marines jump in surprise almost opening fire on the lights.
"Sir. Look" Private Graham pointed to the other side of the hall. A dim, but growing green light could be seen emanating from around a crate.
"Hold it, Graham!"
Graham raises hand. "Sir, I think I see something." Graham squints to get a better look. "Sir, it looks human, very tall, but human." Graham moves a little bit closer, stepping out from behind a crate, exposing himself fully. "Sir, the skin and face look reptilian."
The Marines speaker clicked on. "Die, Humans." said a deep, dark voice. The private gasps at the sight of an Elite stepping out from behind a crate.
"Sir!" Yells Graham. The Elite fired the charged plasma pistol, hitting Graham in the chest. The Plasma impacted, washing over him like water. Graham flew back against the wall with a hole the size of a basketball in his chest. Graham struggled to raise his arm, a look of distress covering his face. The second in command raised his rifle, opening fire on the shadows, hoping to hit something....