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Thread: Xbox To Halt Production First Half Of 2k3!

  1. #1
    Registered User tss's Avatar
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    Default Xbox To Halt Production First Half Of 2k3!

    This article: XBOX Sales Worse Than Expected ... comes staight from the M$ Partner Newsletter. This is scary. It seems that M$ has cut production of its hardware to almost half. They have told hardware suppliers and vendors not to expect any order in the first half of 2K3 ... and to expect little over half the next quarter.

    My questions to all of you: What will we do without XBOX? Will if fall like the Dreamcast? Or will M$ pull out of this?

    Personally, this is my favorite console. I love the GC and like my PS2 ... but the XBOX has the best online play. What will happen to all the Mechassault tourneys? Or to the fun online trash talking? Or to the friends we have made playing these games?

    I really hope M$ will pull out of this. It really scares me.

    Go to Hidden Content . Becasue it is my site and it ownz.

  2. #2
    Home Theatre Guru LynxFX's Avatar
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    They are just following the supply vs. demand model. Every manufacturer does this and with electronic components it is very important. Why make a million units for $300 now when you know you won't sell half of those, when you can make half now for $300 and half next month for $250. You save money by not having to store your high cost components in a warehouse.

    When demand increases, so will incentive to up the supply. After holidays are typically slow months so why would they pump out high volumes of Xboxes at a premium cost to them?

    Nothing is happening to the Xbox. It isn't going away this year, or next. Microsoft isn't going bankrupt. Enough with these naysayer posts.
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  3. #3
    Gotta get home carlbme's Avatar
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    Can you post your source? I recieve the monthly Microsoft for Partners Newsletter and I have never read anything of that sort.

    And if what you say is true, the re-read what was posted above.

  4. #4
    Registered User tss's Avatar
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    Default Source

    My source was from an email a friend of mine received from M$. I was sure it was a partner email, since he MIS for a company that partners with M$.

    Maybe I am worried about nothing. I wasn't trying to be a naysayer ... I was hoping someone could put this into perspective ... and this looks pretty good.

    Thanks for your comments.

    Go to Hidden Content . Becasue it is my site and it ownz.

  5. #5


    Just don't know why.. I don't believe that source. I don't know why, maybe because it's your site.

    I mean, I'll believe it if I see it on another site.

    Why would your friend get a email saying that?

  6. #6
    Registered User kachingtensor's Avatar
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    Default don't bother following the hyperlink above

    I dislike hyperlinking out of these forums for no good reason, since you can't just back button in.

    The writer of that little POS doesn't even seem to know that Sony and Nintendo were making a profit on console hardware units up until the latest price cuts last year.

    Xbox boards get the worst trolls, because so many of them try to stealth in and claim to be Xbox supporters. I guess they have deluded themselves into thinking that Microsoft is "Evil Incarnate", and that "anything is moral in [their] 'holy mission' against 'Evil'."

    Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.
    - Parkinson's Law

  7. #7
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    If Xbox dies off, you can bet that I've lost hope in humanity...

    50 MILLION buy incredibly overpriced inferior POS, XBox is looked at as a joke...PATHETIC. Bunch of idiots.
    Xbox Games I Own...

    Halo, Capcom vs. SnK EO , Dead or Alive 3, Splinter Cell, Crazy Taxi 3, Buffy, Max Payne, Unreal Championship, Hitman 2

    Games I'm playing most...
    Unreal Championship - LIVE is addictive
    Quake 3 Arena - (pc) play about 5 mins less per day than UC
    Hitman 2

    Add me to your frends list if you play Unreal on LIVE, I sold Ghost Recon cause it was simply a hype machine to match SOCOM, instead I opted for something for more ORIGINAL...the first online fighting game EVER in the USA!

  8. #8
    Master Frogman MerimacHamwich's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Lynxfx-XBA
    They are just following the supply vs. demand model. Every manufacturer does this and with electronic components it is very important. Why make a million units for $300 now when you know you won't sell half of those, when you can make half now for $300 and half next month for $250. You save money by not having to store your high cost components in a warehouse.

    When demand increases, so will incentive to up the supply. After holidays are typically slow months so why would they pump out high volumes of Xboxes at a premium cost to them?

    Nothing is happening to the Xbox. It isn't going away this year, or next. Microsoft isn't going bankrupt. Enough with these naysayer posts.
    Listen to that man. He knows what he is talking about.
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  9. #9
    Registered User tss's Avatar
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    Default Re: don't bother following the hyperlink above

    Originally posted by kachingtensor
    I dislike hyperlinking out of these forums for no good reason, since you can't just back button in.

    The writer of that little POS doesn't even seem to know that Sony and Nintendo were making a profit on console hardware units up until the latest price cuts last year.

    Xbox boards get the worst trolls, because so many of them try to stealth in and claim to be Xbox supporters. I guess they have deluded themselves into thinking that Microsoft is "Evil Incarnate", and that "anything is moral in [their] 'holy mission' against 'Evil'."

    Yes. I am a troll ... goof. Look, friend, I love my XBOX. I am not trolling around. You are paranoid.

    The source was an MS letter entitled "WinInfo Daily UPDATE, February 3, 2003." The people who have a problem with what I posted here ... grow up. Learn how to communicate in a mature manner without spouting off at people.

    Everyone else with good information and opinions, thank you. I appreciate it.

    Go to Hidden Content . Becasue it is my site and it ownz.

  10. #10
    Brick killed a guy. shrew king's Avatar
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    I can't believe someone can't post something negative about the Xbox without being bashed. He told you where he got the source, it is an informative post.

    My questions to all of you: What will we do without XBOX? Will if fall like the Dreamcast? Or will M$ pull out of this?
    Xbox isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
    Hidden Content

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others" - Nelson Mandela

  11. #11
    Registered User tss's Avatar
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    Originally posted by shrew king
    I can't believe someone can't post something negative about the Xbox without being bashed. He told you where he got the source, it is an informative post.

    Xbox isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
    Thanks, man. I appreciate it.

    Go to Hidden Content . Becasue it is my site and it ownz.

  12. #12


    I think that anyone who has an Xbox is concerned. But with what Microsoft is worth. That's like one of us losing $50.

    M$ isn't in the console business to lose $ but I thinks they have their sights set for when the PS3 comes out.

    Also I think their ego and reputation won't let them pull out now.

  13. #13
    Registered User Knight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Xbox To Halt Production First Half Of 2k3!

    Originally posted by tss
    This article: XBOX Sales Worse Than Expected ... comes staight from the M$ Partner Newsletter. This is scary. It seems that M$ has cut production of its hardware to almost half. They have told hardware suppliers and vendors not to expect any order in the first half of 2K3 ... and to expect little over half the next quarter.

    My questions to all of you: What will we do without XBOX? Will if fall like the Dreamcast? Or will M$ pull out of this?

    Personally, this is my favorite console. I love the GC and like my PS2 ... but the XBOX has the best online play. What will happen to all the Mechassault tourneys? Or to the fun online trash talking? Or to the friends we have made playing these games?

    I really hope M$ will pull out of this. It really scares me.
    Production will be halted on the gc long before Production XBox will be and the gc is last eveywhere but japan. And I have a pc with alot pc games I can play.
    Last edited by Knight; 02-04-2003 at 10:49 PM.

    Hidden Content XBOX RULES!

  14. #14
    Registered User plpkb's Avatar
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    they arent ordering more parts because they already have enough out their at this time. Would you like them to build warehouses of xboxs for no reason

  15. #15
    Registered User Unreal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Xbox To Halt Production First Half Of 2k3!

    Originally posted by tss
    This article: XBOX Sales Worse Than Expected ... comes staight from the M$ Partner Newsletter. This is scary. It seems that M$ has cut production of its hardware to almost half. They have told hardware suppliers and vendors not to expect any order in the first half of 2K3 ... and to expect little over half the next quarter.

    My questions to all of you: What will we do without XBOX? Will if fall like the Dreamcast? Or will M$ pull out of this?

    Personally, this is my favorite console. I love the GC and like my PS2 ... but the XBOX has the best online play. What will happen to all the Mechassault tourneys? Or to the fun online trash talking? Or to the friends we have made playing these games?

    I really hope M$ will pull out of this. It really scares me.
    You dont get out much do you?

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