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Thread: Urgent: Xbox Online Information

  1. #1

    Default Urgent: Xbox Online Information


    When will Xbox be available online?

    The rollout of the Xbox online gaming service is on track for the first half of this year.

    Can I play games on a network?

    You will be able to compete against other gamers online, play games that evolve over the course of months, and download new levels, weapons and characters. The norm will become the ability to easily find and play games online with friends, and communicate with others in real time using your own voice through the hands-free Xbox Communicator.

    Keep up with the most current information on this exciting feature by checking back to this site often.

    What equipment will be required to connect my Xbox to the Internet?

    You need to have a broadband connection (DSL or Cable) to use the Xbox online service. With your broadband connection, Xbox is the first and only video game system designed from its inception to be ready to play Xbox games right out of the box, due to the following features:

    - A hard disk drive for storing episodic content delivery and new vehicles, new characters, and new game levels for favorite games
    - An Ethernet port for fast-action, always-on broadband connectivity
    - Slots in the Xbox game controller designed for real-time voice communication using the Xbox Voice Communicator

    In what cities will the Xbox online service be available?

    The Xbox online service will be available anywhere in the US where broadband connectivity is available.

    What games will be available for the Xbox online service?

    Microsoft has announced that 27 publishers are supporting the Xbox online plans and will be making more specific title announcements in early 2002.

    Will I be able to use a dial-up connection for Xbox online service?

    You will need to have a broadband connection (DSL or cable) to use the Xbox online service. This decision ensures a significantly better gaming experience than can be achieved over dial-up connection.

    Why would I want to subscribe to the Xbox online service?

    There are many great benefits that you'll be able to take advantage of when you sign up for the Xbox online service. You'll be able to easily find and play games, online, with your friends. You'll be able to communicate with your friends in real-time with your own voice through the hands-free Xbox Communicator. New content will be available that is only available online, and new game types will be enabled that that are only feasible when you connect your console to the online service. Games will be fast and have the intense 3D graphics you'd expect from a console gaming experience. The service will be incredibly easy to use while maximizing safety and security.

    Is this Xbox online service compatible with Sega or Playstation2 games or service?

    This service is specific to the Xbox gaming system.

    Can I play PC games online with the Xbox online service?

    No, games that are created for the Xbox online gaming service are specifically designed to work on the Xbox platform.

    Can I connect to the internet with the Xbox online service?

    No, Xbox online service is all about playing games. The service is not designed for doing email or browsing the web.

    How can I communicate online with other players?

    You'll be able to talk to them real-time with your own voice through the hands-free Xbox Communicator.

    MY QUESTION: How much does it cost??

  2. #2


    UNKNOWN as of yet .......

  3. #3
    Banned Ninja Scroll's Avatar
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    Nov 2001
    In Da SkiesOfArcadia


    OMG!!! Dude, did you just write a book or something!

    Anyways you can get online with "gamespy" and get your ass kicked by this dude in this forum named " JJax", he's a Halo God or something.
    The offical Microsoft Network wont debut until this summer with games exclusive to the Xbox like Unreal Championship!
    You drooling yet?

  4. #4
    Home Theatre Guru LynxFX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    LynxFX Film Studios


    Worst phrase in that story: subscribe to the Xbox online service.

    There goes our chances of it being free. Now let us just hope for a pay once service or low low monthly fee because otherwise I'm going to stick with PC online gaming.

    Everything they listed:

    Find and play games, online, with your friends. Can do on PC for free

    You'll be able to communicate with your friends in real-time with your own voice through the hands-free Xbox Communicator. Can do on PC for free with apps like Roger Wilco

    New content will be available that is only available online. Can do on PC for free. Look at all those mods.

    New game types will be enabled that that are only feasible when you connect your console to the online service. Can do on PC for free. Again look at all those mods.

    Games will be fast and have the intense 3D graphics you'd expect from a console gaming experience. Again, same goes for PC, for free

    (ignoring all costs for the games since you have to buy them for both: legally)

    Microsoft, give us something worth paying for, not just a rehash of stuff that has been done on the pc for years, and for free none the less. Otherwise, make this service free or a one time fee and then play for life.
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