Average Overall Score Given: 6.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 14766

Gameplay: The enemies all suck....the levels suck....the control(guess what) SUCK!!!! can't go on the street for some reason....what is spiderman, alergic to the ground or something. He dies if he comes within 20 feet of the ground. Its spiderman, not the bubbleboy.
Graphics: This brings me back to the original playstation/n64 days. Somethings wrong when a game looks and feels this bad.
Audio: This is the only part of the game which is ok. Toby actually does the voice(nice touch)....although he do get annoying after a bit.
Suggestions: Your game concept sucks. No ground combat!!!!! What!!!! I seriously got nightmares from the terrible controls, half a$$ed enemies, boring level designs and objectives. Please, if you are planning any more Spiderman games.....Start from scratch.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great puzzles which make you think. Puzzle difficulty setting is a nice touch. Pretty easy to destroy the enemies in this theres lots of ammo
Graphics: Nice looking stuff. The mist is a great touch and creates the perfect feeling to this game. Also the shadows are done perfectly.
Audio: The sounds are creepy....they add greatly to the intensity level of the game. Hearing your radio freaking out....well freaks you out too.
Suggestions: Give us Silent Hill 2. One thing I don't like is that you have to run a lot from one area to the other. This can sometimes be boring. Give more objectives in between areas and have a little less mist so you can see more things.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10