Total Reviews: 2
Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
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Quake 4

Overall: Welcome to my second review, this one of Quake 4.

Now I've decided to do this a little differently. So just sit back, relax, and read on.

First off, I want to explain something about myself. I am not an "intense game" gamer. I don't like those games with monsters jumping out of corners or from darkness. ie - Doom 3. I don't like them, neither do my nerves. I mean, this is ironic since horror movies don't even phase me. I grew up watching alien,aliens for god sakes. I mean, there is very little that can disturb me. Well until now.

Quake 4 is so utterly creepy that it gave me goose bumps. I cannot begin to describe the gore, violence, and gross creatures. To put it bluntly, you'll see some crazy sh*t. For example, a large gross blob of skin and guts that tries to hit you with long metal claws. Also, his body actually spreads his guts everywhere! X_x

Any description of the game wouldn't do it justice. Basicly, there are times when you are freaked out. Well, if your like me that is LOL. Its very Doomish in the sence that the lighting and textures are simular, and the models used for the soldiers look simular as well. You play a guy named cain who ironicly, doesn't talk at all. He gets transformed into a "Strogg" in the game around level 13. You get to watch as your limbs are cut off, replaced and various other medical experiments happen to you. Despite how the game is, I do like it. Its a test of stomach and skill.

The basic plot is your fighting an alien race of cyborgs. Basicly, they've come to invade earth. Not for gold or resources, but to use human body parts to operate with. Its simular to war of the worlds, they use human guts and such to power their machines in a way.

I want to just make it clear that if you get grossed out easily, don't play this game. If you don't like EXTREME violence and medical experimentation, don't play this game.

Gameplay: First off, the gameplay is great. No sluggish movements, moonwalking, or bugs that I can see.

The weapons are well modeled and look good. The levels are HUGE and yet can become crampt at the snap of a finger. In the good sence of course. In one level, you go from a vast room to a crawl pipe, your crawling and watching the shadow of a creature zip past you. Its like a scene from the movie Alien. The enviroments are realistic and vivid in detail. Walking, jumping and crouching are movements which you'll use quite often.

I'm playing the normal (easy) gameplay and there are some parts of the game where its actually difficult. I admit to using cheats to stay alive. There is no really good cheats, just add ammo or minor health.

Graphics: All I can say is HOLY F***IN SH**. I appologize for the language, despire the editing i've done.

The detail in the graphis looks Incredible! Just think of Doom X10. The lighting, shadows and textures are beautiful...In their gross way that is. The creatures are well constructed and believeable! I've found no flaws or bugs in the graphics, their simply exceptional.

Graphics wise, I'd say Call of Duty 2 for the 360 is evenly matched to this game.

Audio: The sound is AWESOME! If you have dolby 5.1 or the equivilent, your in for one hell of a rush. The sounds of your weapons can be loud, but their well crafted audio wise.

The booms from explosions rock your speakers and your controller (built in vibration) and are perfectly syncronized.

id software has tuned the game so well that you can hear the plink of a machine a few meters away. The machinery sounds are realistic as well.

Suggestions: Ok, here is the hard part. How would you fix a near perfect game?

Well for one thing, I can't figure out how to use the multiplayer functions. The menu is confusing and aggrivating. I haven't tried it yet because I cannot figure out how to use the blasted thing.

The campaign function is really the main part of the game. I'm currently on level 21 so nearing the end of the game. I would suggest they make a better online function where its EASY to play online.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10 Gun

Overall: Welcome to my First EVER Xbox 360 game Review!

I'm a published writer so I'm going to at least try to make this article professional. I've decided to give my xbox 360 the respect it deserves and review every 360 game I have and will buy.

Welcome to the Review of Gun.

In 1990, a small company by the name of American Laser Games created a western style arcade game called Mad Dog Mcree. It was later released on PC and became one of the first, if not the first Western game on the computer market. It didn't do very well, hence began the slow decline in sales of Western Games, probably due to lack of interest.

Its obvious that if the Industry releases a game, there is always a chance it will fail in the market.

Even in the film industry, there is always a chance of poor box office profits. Even George Lucas took a huge chance with "The Empire Strikes Back". He put his house, his health, and every dime of his money on the success of the film.

Western Games specificly have not done well, but its my belief this title will not fail, but perhaps may not succeed expertly.

Gameplay: Table of Contents:

1.0 - Basic Gameplay
1.1 - Weapons


1.0 - Basic Gameplay

From walking, to running, to ducking... The actions of your character are smooth and realistic. Absolutely no "moon walking" buggy walking actions. Horseback riding is also smooth and VERY realistic.

1.1 - Weapons

Each gun in crafted perfectly. The details in gold or silver glisten and shine. The handling is realistic, as is the reloading features.

Graphics: 1.0 - Basic Graphics
1.1 - Visual Effects
1.2 - Extreme effects


1.0 - Basic Graphics

The Basic graphics include the enviroment, trees, grass..ect.. These are done well, however you'll get the feel its an xbox game, as opposed to the xbox 360 freedom of movement and graphics.

1.1 - Visual Effects

Compared to Call of Duty 2, the smoke, fire...ect... Is quite poor, but the smoke and such have their moments of splendor, such as when you burn ot; casino.

1.2 - Extreme effects

Compared to the cut scenes, the graphics are fairly good. I believe there are improvements from the actual xbox version.

Audio: The sound is realistic and completely awesome!

The sounds of galloping horses, animals, guns firing, voices...Their all done perfectly.

There are some annoyances in this game, but sound is not one of them.

Suggestions: Alright, so there are annoyances and "could have beens", so here they are.

Firstly, there SHOULD have been more than 2 towns. There should have been more vast areas. I mean come on, its the xbox 360, there are very few limits for size.

Secondly, there should have been trains you can use, board, or drive. It would have been a great function. Trains are limited to basic gameplay and cut scenes only.

Thirdly, the company should have not been so lazy in converting the xbox title to a 360 title. There could have been more stuff to do, such as talking to people outside of the side missions.

When you use all of the towns "patience", a bunch of citizens come after you. Several times, I noticed three of the same guy attacking me, right next to eachother TOO!


I mean, come on. A little variety please!

A note to developers, don't skim the surface and make a basic transfer and expect the 360's hardware to fix your lazyness. Do a little extra work to fix any bugs, add content or effects, and fix the constant annoyance of very little to do after the game is over.

This game was fun, entertaining, and worth the fifty bucks I paid for it, but Its my view that with this console, you should get more than your moneys worth with EVERY game. Am I right?

Feel free to send me a PM or e-mail me with comments about this Review or your experience with this game.


Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

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