Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat

This game is worth buying just for the excellent online sevice(Also you dont often lose the sever connection, and you can join games in progress unlike PDZ)
Gameplay: Gameplay is very good you can pick from 5 weapon packs to use and thiers over 30 viechels to use in your aid to victory.Never has the game jamed on me.
Last nato mission is very hard still havnt completed it.
Graphics: As far as Visual gose this thing is like no other.
I have never seen a fighting/Shoot em up game with graphics this good top notch even down to reloading the gun.
Audio: The sound is very realistic.
You can here bombs/missiles being dropped from not very far away so you cant hide from them if thiers a missle attake and your in the midle of no where oyur a gonna.
Suggestions: Yes the annoying bit is only being able to have 5 weapons at a time .
Why not have it so if you kill someone you can pick up thier waepon pack???
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10