NEWS - Thursday, April 29, 2010

Capcom Wants Frank West in Many Games
If youve noticed Dead Rising protagonist Frank West showing up in a lot of games, theres a good reason for that: apparently Capcom wants to jam him down Americas throat. Frank has so far made (or will make) guest appearances in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Lost Planet 2, and even a small cameo (of sorts) in Left 4 Dead 2s The Passing, and according to community manager Seth Killian, there will be a lot more where that came from.
"For better or for worse, [Capcom of] Japan has understood that the West likes Frank," Killian said to Destructoid. "So maybe thats why hes called Frank West? I dont know... Rightly or wrongly [Capcom of] Japan is convinced that Joe Six pack here in America love God d*mn Frank West. He will be making appearances in as many games as they can get him into."
Evidently Killian also said to expect to see Frank (pictured, above) in a new "Puzzle Fighter," but he more than likely meant that as a joke and not an actual reveal of a new Puzzle Fighter game (so dont expect to see a new Puzzle Fighter, Puzzle Fighter fans).
So thanks to Capcom of Japans weird infatuation with the idea that Americas plebeians have a weird infatuation with Frank West, were going to guess theres a good likelihood hell be making an appearance in the recently revealed Marvel vs. Capcom 3 as well. But one game Frank isnt starring in? Ironically, Dead Rising 2, which stars new character Chuck Greene. Your guess is as good as ours as to how that makes any kind of damn sense.