NEWS - Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fans More Worried About Tekken X Street Fighter
Tekken head, Katsuhiro Harada believes that he has a tougher task in front of him developing Tekken X Street Fighter than Yoshinori Ono, the Street Fighter producer in charge of Street Fighter X Tekken.
Speaking in our just-published Street Fighter X Tekken interview, Harada-san told us that bringing Street Fighter into the world of 3D is a much tougher task than what Capcom faces with a 2D Tekken.
"There are a lot of obstacles we have to overcome and the fans seem to be more worried about my project than Ono’s," Harada told CVG.
"When you look at the game that Ono is working on, he’s presented some of the footage at Gamescom and Comic-con before that, and I think the fans have a pretty good idea of what to expect from that.
"On the other hand just because of the gameplay features of Tekken and then taking the Street Fighter characters and implementing them we have the problem of fireballs, projectiles and such - how do they work in 3D?
"Or the lack of moves from the Street Fighter characters when compared to each Tekken characters move list," he said.
The Tekken dev also told us that 3D could be on the cards for the game, but it’s another hurdle which presents challenges.