NEWS - Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bungie Looking for Testers for Next Game
Its no secret that being a playtester sounds like fun, but can actually be a pretty grueling experience when you consider it involves playing certain segments over and over and over looking for as many bugs as possible. But if that sounds like the sort of thing youd be up for if it meant getting an early look at Bungies next game in their publishing deal with Activision, then heres your chance to make it happen.
As announced on their website, Bungie is looking for potentially "hundreds of thousands" of gamers to eventually lend their services to help test their next game, and all it requires is a account and a valid email address. To be clear, you will not be compensated for said services; rather, what youll get is "the unique opportunity to help us continue making improvements to our playlists, features, and online community...and the potential to help us shape our glorious future."
This could potentially include "Playtests and Usability Testing at Bungie," "Surveys on game playing habits," and yes, "Alpha and Beta Testing for our next game." Theres no indication for when exactly this alpha and beta testing will begin, so it could still be a while before anyone gets a taste of what Bungies next game will be (although rumor has it that it may have some kind of persistent online element).
Not everyone who signs up will be chosen, but you can head over to their website to see how to enter your name for a chance to be picked.