NEWS - Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Apps, Web Browser May Be Coming to Xbox 360
Recent Microsoft job postings may point to the companys plans for future Xbox 360 updates, reports Cnet. Two new openings for Software Engineers both look to expand on Silverlight, a Microsoft framework that allows the running of web applications and streaming video. The postings mentioned "Silverlight on the Xbox as part of the next wave," but the posting has been changed to read "various devices we plan to enable over the coming years."
The report speculates that putting Silverlight on the 360 could help Microsoft create synergy between the console and Windows Phone 7. It could even mean signs of a Web browser finally coming to the system, which would make its Facebook and Twitter applications more full-featured. Silverlight is also used for Netflix on the PC and Mac, and could replace the current Netflix app on Xbox 360 if it offered significant improvements.
Microsoft has a Silverlight event coming up in two weeks, so we may see more hints or even an official announcement then.