NEWS - Wednesday, December 8, 2010

(RUMOR) - Raven Software Developing Stealth Bond Game
Back in May, reports began circulating (from "multiple sources familiar with the situation") that a new James Bond game in development at Raven Software was shelved by Activision so that Raven could focus on developing more Call of Duty map packs instead. Now it looks like that Bond game is back in development, at least according to a new report thats even less specific about their information.
As Bond fansite MI6 reports, Raven is back at work on the Bond game now that Bond license-owner MGM Studios appears to be back on the road out of bankruptcy (a situation that has delayed work on a new Bond movie, as well). MI6 describes the previously shelved Bold title as "stealth-centric," and also says that in order to go back to work on it, Raven has in turn sidelined development on a sequel to X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
It should be noted that MI6 doesnt appear to cite a source for any of this information, merely writing that it "understands" all of this to be true. Still, at least the fact that Ravens Bond game did indeed at one point exist seems pretty definitive now, as early footage of the game can be seen in a showreel (below) from former Raven Software animator Hanjin Song (via NeoGAF).
So yes, it indeed looks like Ravens stealth-focused Bond game did exist. As for whether it still exists and is in fact back in full development, however, remains to be seen.
UPDATE: Alas, the demo reel showing the early footage of Raven Softwares James Bond game (including what were some very Splinter Cell: Conviction-styled stealth takedowns) has since been deleted. The bigger rumor of whether the game is indeed back in development is still unconfirmed, and well update further if any more info comes up.