NEWS - Tuesday, February 8, 2011

64 Player Battlefield 3 Slated for Fall Release
As promised, a trailer and the first details on Battlefield 3 have been released today.
Two elements Battlefield fans have been missing from recent BF games, jets and the ability to prone (lay down), will both be making a return in BF3, as will support for up to 64 players -- on PC. A player limit hasnt been announced for the two consoles versions; a safe assumption would be in the 24-32 range.
Battlefield 3 marks the first core entry in the series since Battlefield 2 was released on PC in 2005. There hasnt been any shortage of standalone BF games, however; since then, weve seen Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, Battlefield 2142, Battlefield: Bad Company, Battlefield Heroes, Battlefield 1943, and Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Theres also been an announcement of another free-to-play game, Battlefield Play4Free.
Just yesterday, Battlefield developer DICE announced that two BF projects for PC -- an add-on for Bad Company 2 and 1943 -- had been canceled. Hearing that BF3 has jets, prone, and a 64-player limit all seems like a pretty nice way to get fans to accept yesterdays disappointing news.
EA is accepting pre-orders for the games limited edition online now, but wont be announcing whats in it until some point "around GDC." The cover story in Game Informers March issue is Battlefield 3, so expect to hear much more very soon.