NEWS - Friday, March 18, 2011

MGM: North Korea digitally cast in Red Dawn remake
A recent article in the LA Times reported that:
Without Beijing even uttering a critical word, MGM is changing the villains in its ’Red Dawn’ remake from Chinese to North Korean. It’s all about maintaining access to the Asian superpower’s lucrative box office.
The article went on to state:
People close to the picture said the changes will cost less than $1 million and involve changing an opening sequence summarizing the story’s fictional backdrop, re-editing two scenes and using digital technology to transform many Chinese symbols to Korean. It’s impossible to eliminate all references to China, the people said, though the changes will give North Korea a much larger role in the coalition that invades the U.S.
"We were initially very reluctant to make any changes," said Tripp Vinson, one of the movie’s producers. "But after careful consideration we constructed a way to make a scarier, smarter and more dangerous ’Red Dawn’ that we believe improves the movie."
Representatives for director Dan Bradley did not respond to requests for comment.
If MGM is unable to find a distributor for the movie, it could end up going direct-to-DVD or could even be shelved, never to be seen by the public.
"Red Dawn" is not the only piece of entertainment to swap out Chinese villains for North Koreans recently. The video game "Homefront," which was released this week and features a script by John Milius, writer of the original "Red Dawn," was also originally intended to feature a Chinese invasion. For business reasons, publisher THQ changed the occupying forces to North Korea.
You can check out the full article here
Our review of THQ’s Homefront can be found here