NEWS - Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Battlefield 3 Gets Co op Mode
Need another reason to get excited for Battlefield 3? Co-op mode confirmed. EA announced the addition today at Gamescom with an onstage demo of two players working their way through a dark compound that led into the street. Ground and air vehicles are confirmed for the mode and so is "tight urban warfare." Look for a revival system and some ridiculous cursing and screaming from the in-game characters when the game ships this October.
The part shown during a demo at EAs Gamescom press conference featured two players weaving their way through dense urban streets at night. The use of teamwork to coordinate when to attack seemed to be important to success, as well as using tools like thermal imaging to get a better view of the conflict zone and reviving when necessary.
The co-op mode will include missions that EA claims will tie into the main single-player story, and will be playable online with a friend.
Also shown was what most Battlefield fans have been waiting for, wide-open multiplayer featuring jet combat. The planes streaked through the sky firing missiles at each other as tanks rolled across the terrain of huge maps. When piloting a vehicle, itll be possible to retreat to safety so the machine automatically replenishes armor. Battlefield 3 will feature nine multiplayer maps and include Rush and Conquest modes, as well as a Team Death Match alternative, and can accommodate up to 24 players in a match on console,