NEWS - Thursday, October 13, 2011

ME3 Multiplayer Can Impact Single Player Story
There was quite a negative outcry yesterday when BioWare finally confirmed what was suspected for quite some time: Mass Effect 3 features multiplayer. Not only will a four-player co-op mode be present in the game upon release next March, it can impact the storyline in the single-player game.
Before single-player fans begin panicking, theres an important detail youll want to hear: its all completely optional. Youll still be able to complete the game in the most ideal way possible without ever diving into the multiplayer portion; its merely an option for those who wish to take advantage of it.
This news comes by way of a forum post authored by BioWare staffer Chris Priestly. Many details are being kept under wraps, but enough information was shared that those who complained about the single-player game being negatively impacted should feel better.
The co-op multiplayer doesnt feature Commander Shepard or any of the other characters from the main game. Instead, youll create a character specifically for that mode, and for the first time in the series, youll be able to play as non-humans. Krogans, Turians, Asari, and others will be playable, each having its own abilities. Your character will level up and youll be able to upgrade his or her weapons.
Players will work together to wrestle control of certain areas away from enemies. This will be one of several components of Mass Effects Galaxy at War system. (The others will be announced at a later time.) Youll work to raise the galaxys "Galactic Readiness" level, which is "measured by Commander Shepards ability to apply every possible asset -- people, weapons, resources, armies, fleets -- in the final battle against the Reapers." Playing co-op is one way of increasing this level, which is completely optional -- as noted above, its "still possible to achieve the optimal, complete ending of the game in Mass Effect 3 through single-player alone."
"Our priority and focus with Mass Effect 3 has and always will be to deliver a complete and satisfying single player experience," one part of the FAQ reads. It goes on to explain that the multiplayer component is being designed by BioWare Montreal, leaving the BioWare Edmonton team to remain committed to the single-player game.
"A dedicated team from our recently formed BioWare Montreal studio has been focused on creating the multiplayer game features while the main game continued to be developed by the team in BioWare Edmonton. Both teams are integrated under the same leadership group that produced Mass Effect 1 and 2, led by Casey Hudson."
No specifics were provided, but it was unsurprisingly revealed that downloadable content is planned for Mass Effect 3. Whether thats for single-player or the co-op, we dont know, but it might very well end up being both.