NEWS - Friday, April 6, 2012

AC III Creative Director thinks you are boring
Thanks to Mass Effect 3 and the Devil May Cry reboot, theres been a lot of talk lately about whether fans should have a say on franchise direction. Were generally of the mind that the last word belongs with developers - but we will admit to sticking out our lower lips when Ubisofts Alex Hutchinson, creative director of Assassins Creed 3, told us that hed hate to set an Assassins Creed game in feudal Japan.
In case youve somehow missed all the words weve been throwing at it, Assassins Creed 3 takes place in colonial America and stars a part Native American protagonist. "People on the internet suggest the most boring settings," Hutchinson mused when we asked him whether hed considered certain hotly demanded alternatives. "The three most wanted are WWII, feudal Japan and Egypt. Theyre kind of the three worst settings for an AC game."
Really, Alex? We are disappoint. The apathy for World War 2 is understandable - too many guns - but Egypt? Egypt gave us Tomb Raider, the original 3D action-adventure. And Japan? Japan gave us Tenchu, the first "true" 3D stealth game. Wheres the tension here? What is it about the thought of ninja-dashing across pagoda roofs or trotting through the bowels of a pyramid that goes against the grain?
Hutchinson has time for India, at least. "[Assassins Creed 3 writer Corey May] really wants to do India, " he told us, less the square brackets. "I would too. Id really love to do the Raj."
We named imperial China, ancient Egypt and revolutionary Russia as possible Assassins Creed 3 settings in a feature published just before the reveal, basing our speculations on (accusing stare) the contents of Ubisofts official Assassins Creed Encyclopaedia.
Why do you think Hutchinson thinks these settings are unworkable? We werent able to get him to elaborate, alas, what with the Assassins Creed 3 demo unfolding past his shoulder.