NEWS - Monday, November 5, 2012

FigurePrints, Get them while you can! $50!
Important: Sadly, Microsoft is shutting down their Xbox LIVE Avatar exporter service at the end of November. Because of this, we will no longer be able to offer Xbox Live Avatar FigurePrints beyond that date. Order now before they are no longer available in December.
We can recreate your favorite Xbox LIVE® Avatar as a fully detailed 3D replica rivaling the beauty of any miniature figure ever made. Using 3D modeling techniques pioneered by special effects houses and manufacturing technology that allows even the most complicated of these models to be created, FigurePrints can bring your fully outfitted, one-of-a-kind Xbox LIVE Avatar to your doorstep. Here’s how:
• Select your avatar: Tell us your Xbox LIVE Avatar’s name and we will take a snapshot of your avatar as he/she appears on Xbox LIVE.
• Pose your avatar: We give you the option of posing your avatar. Pick and choose the pose that shows your avatar at his/her finest!
• Order your FigurePrint: Then let us create your fully customized Xbox LIVE Avatar replica using our 3D modeling and next-gen fabrication techniques.
Your Xbox LIVE Avatar will then arrive at your doorstep, ready to accompany you while gaming!
Editor’s Notes: Is this a sign of new things from Microsoft?