NEWS - Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Halo 4 will reward MS Points for logging MP hours
The latest offer to Xbox Live Rewards members will get them free Microsoft Points just for playing Halo 4’s multiplayer. If you play over 140 hours of multiplayer, you’ll be given 600 MS Points. Over 70 hours will earn you 300 MS Points, and over 35 hours will get you 100 MS Points.
Spending over 3000 MS Points on Halo content in the Marketplace will get you 200 points back, and spending 1500 points will get you 100 points back. You’ll also be given back 800 MS Points if you spend over 3000 points and play over 35 hours of multiplayer combined.
This offer is good until November 30, and you have to sign up for the Reward service to make it count.
Xbox Addict’s Note:
Just to put things in perspective, the average time a person works in a month is 40 hours a week, or 160 hours in a 4-week month. So essentially, in order to earn the 600 MS Points mulitplayer reward, you would have to put in the equivalent of nearly a full month’s worth of working hours for what would boil down to $8.60 Canadian in MS otherwords, 6 cents an hour. But if you’re going to play Halo 4 that much anyway, then what the heck? Knock yourself out! ;)
Keep in mind that Xbox Live Rewards players can also earn 100 points for each non-Xbox Live Gold member that they refer who successfully upgrades to Xbox Live Gold Membership. For example, if you refer 5 friends with Free memberships, and they all upgrade to Gold, that’s 500 MS Points in your pocket. Though given Halo 4’s popularity, finding 5 people on your friend’s list right now that don’t have Xbox Live Gold (and thus won’t be playing the game online) might be a bit difficult.
Full details on the Halo 4 Xbox Live Rewards promotion can be found here.