NEWS - Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bioshock Infinite getting Season Pass
Irrational Games announced a Season Pass for BioShock Infinite this morning, granting buyers access to three "all-new" upcoming DLC packs. Weve spoken to the boys and girls in our labs, and they tell us that means there are at least three pieces of BioShock InfiniteDLC on the way.
The pass is priced $19.99 on PS3 and PC, or 1600 MSP on Xbox 360, and Irrational says it provides $10 worth of savings. So the three DLC packs come in at an average of $10 each, or 800 MSP.
A Season Pass purchase also pecks picks you up the Early Bird Special Pack, this giving you a machine gun damage upgrade, pistol damage upgrade, gold skin for both weapons, five Infusion bottles, and four pieces of gear, all for free.