NEWS - Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Website For Hunter Announced
Interplay has opened the official Web site for its upcoming Xbox game, Hunter: The Reckoning, and in the process has released new screenshots from the game. Several of the screens highlight some of the varied environments in the game, while a handful are of actual gameplay sequences. Hunter: The Reckoning, which is based on White Wolfs pen and paper game, falls squarely in the beat-em-up genre. The Xbox game is set in a small prison town, where the prison itself has become the source of a variety of sinister activities. The games heroes are hunters, who posses superhuman strength and other increase abilities, and must eradicate the town of vampires, zombies, and other ornery creatures. The game, which is currently in development exclusively for the Xbox, will be released on March 15, 2002.The games Web site has further information about its characters and backstory, and includes a variety of downloads.
Check Out Hunter Here