NEWS - Thursday, October 24, 2013

Xbox Addict goes hands-on with AC4 and talks with producers, directors
This past Tuesday Ubisoft held a public preview event for Assassin’s Creed IV at the Amsterdam Brewhouse in downtown Toronto. It was the first time for the Xbox Addict team to behold the game in person on next generation hardware, and while the demo units on hand were all PS4 units, we were assured by all the Ubisoft representatives present that the Xbox One versions of the game will be visually identical.
Our general takeaway from our brief dalliance with piracy and assassination on the high seas? Well, the videos below should speak for themselves, but if you are planning to purchase an Xbox One at launch, then it’s a no-brainer to get the Xbox One version of the game, for the water physics in the naval battles and the translucent lighting in the forests alone. If you’re sticking with the Xbox 360 version, however, Associate Producer Sylvain Trottier promises that the gameplay in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag will be exactly the same on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One, and even better, both versions will support the companion app that will be coming to iOS and Android devices at launch.
But why take our word for it? In the video below, we speak with Mr. Trottier in depth about what we can expect from Assassin’s Creed IV.
We also learned more about the recently announced Freedom Cry DLC, which will star Adewale, ally and First Mate of AC4’s Edward Conway. Speaking with the DLC’s Game Director (Wesley Pincombe) and Mission Director (Hugo Giard), we had the opportunity to discuss the significance of introducing yet another person of colour as an AC protagonist (Adewale will be the third, behind Connor of Assassin’s Creed 3 and Aveline from Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD, which will be available on Xbox Live Arcade later this month).
F.Y.I. The full name of the actor who plays Adewale in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and Assassins’ Creed IV: Freedom Cry is Tristan D. Lalla.