NEWS - Thursday, February 6, 2014

Strider coming to Xbox 360 and Xbox One on February 19th
Capcoms revival of the classic slice-em-up Strider is set to hit this month as promised. Capcom announced [Wednesday] that it will strike first on February 18 for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, followed by a parry-thrust onto PC, Xbox 360, and Xbox One on February 19. It will cost $14.99 across all platforms.
Paired with the release announcement was the announcement of two Challenge Modes added to complement the main story campaign. Beacon Run is modeled after the popular speed-run trend, having you carve your way through enemies while racing to the next checkpoint. Survival is, as you might expect, an endurance mode that pits you against waves of enemies, all while having your item and ability load-outs selected for you.
Those modes, and your stats from the Story Mode, will be tracked for online leaderboards, and you can collect a variety of costumes to dress up your Strider Hiryu in fancy duds.