NEWS - Monday, March 3, 2014

(RUMOR) - Titanfall level screenshots, prestige system, and more leak on Reddit
Titanfalls analog of the Prestige mode from Call of Duty is called Generations, and some of the games maps contain features like ziplines and turrets, according to a purported leak of screenshots and information posted on the Titanfall subreddit today.
Citing a "reliable source pouring me information," Reddit user FallenFusion is posting details about Titanfall beyond what has been revealed by NeoGAF user RazorUK, who has been scouring the files of the beta on Windows PC over the last few weeks. In addition to 10 screenshots posted on Imgur (see here) that each show off a different map, FallenFusion has been providing information on elements like Generations.
According to a leaked screenshot of Generations, once Titanfall players reach the level cap, theyll be able to reset their progress — experience, unlocks and completed challenges, but not their Burn Card collection — to become a second-generation pilot, with a total of 10 generations to complete. Second-generation pilots earn experience at a rate thats 10 percent faster than normal; it appears that the rate keeps increasing for future generations. According to FallenFusion, some ofTitanfalls 15 maps feature ziplines (see screenshot) that Pilots can use to traverse the land. And some arenas contain heavy turrets that are fixed, but can be hacked to fight for either team.
Titanfalls campaign reportedly features nine different matches — five rounds of Attrition (team deathmatch), and four of Hardpoint — and theyre playable from both sides, Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation and Militia. Along with those two modes and the previously announced Capture the Flag and Last Titan Standing game types, Titanfall will apparently offer a fifth option called Pilot Hunter. In that mode, one point is awarded for every Pilot (human player) killed. Taking down AI opponents provides no points, but does lower the time to earn titans and regenerate the titan core ability.