NEWS - Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Xbox One, bundles $449.99 for 'a limited time' on US Microsoft Store
The Xbox One console bundle featuring Titanfall that launched earlier this month is available at a reduced price through the Microsoft (US) Store, according to the bundles listing.
The bundle — which includes the Xbox One and Kinect, a wireless controller, chat headset, voucher for one month of Xbox Live Gold and a download code for Respawn Entertainments shooter Titanfall — is currently available for $449.99. This is a $50 discount from its original price of $499.99 at launch on March 11.
Currently a standard Xbox One set, which comes with all of the above minus the code for Titanfall and a month of Xbox Live, retails for $499.99. The Microsoft Store is also offering several Xbox One bundles, including one featuring a charge kit and copy ofForza Motorsport 5 for $599.99, a Complete Bundle featuring 12 months of Xbox Live and three games (one of them Forza 5) for $699.95 and a $799.99 bundle including 12 months of Xbox Live, Microsoft Complete for Xbox One, and three games in addition to Forza 5.
(Note: A Forza 5 Xbox One Bundle is also being offered for $449.99).
Xbox One was also recently on sale at Amazon for $399 using a special promo code and is still available for $449 at Walmart and Best Buy (in the US).