NEWS - Thursday, February 16, 2017

Ultimate Chicken Horse is Coming to Xbox One in Q3 2017
Ultimate Chicken Horse, a family-friendly party platformer from Clever Endeavour Games is coming to the Xbox One in Q3 of 2071. Players build a level as they play, placing trops and hazards to make a stage that will be too difficult for their friends to complete, but yet they themselves will need to complete it.
The console release of Ultimate Chicken Horse will introduce an extension to Free Play mode that allows players to create fully-functional levels from start to finish, rather than just placing obstacles and traps. PC players will receive a free update on console launch day, maintaining parity between all versions.
Inspired by the schoolyard basketball game H.o.r.s.e., Ultimate Chicken Horse has players alternate between placing traps, gadgets or platforms and running through their communal creation toward the goal.
Ultimate Chicken Horse has three game modes. In Party Mode, players choose from a handful of blocks to place and turns are simultaneous. Creative Mode opens up the entire inventory for players to choose from. Free Play Mode enables a single player to design levels from the full suite of objects, which they can save and share online. Theres also a solution for players who dont have 4 controllers; Couch Hot Seat Mode which is like Creative Mode, but turn-based.
So there you have it party players, this looks like a game that should, and we say should as we havent played it, be fun during a social gathering when you want something different to do.
Source: Press Release/YouTube