NEWS - Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Ubisoft to Host Assassin's Creed Origins Photo Mode Competition
Ubisoft seems to be interested in what people are taking pictures of using the Assassins Creed Origins photo mode. With that in mind, they have announced a contest based on this mode. The Assassin’s Creed Origins Photo Mode contest will run from December 7, 2017, to January 10, 2018.
Each week, the Assassin’s Creed Origins dev team will reveal a new theme at, and on Twitter @assassinscreed, and participants will need to submit their photo based on the week’s theme on the EasyPromos App portal. The Assassin’s Creed Origins dev team will judge the competition and choose five winners each week – one grand prize winner and four runner-up winners. This week’s theme is Wild Life, which will have players exploring the living, breathing world of Assassin’s Creed Origins.
Each runner-up winner will receive a season pass code, or if they already own the season pass, an official Assassin’s Creed shirt. Grand prize winners will receive the same prizes as the runner-up winners, and will also have their photography displayed at Ubisoft Montreal and they will receive their own printed version from Cook & Becker, a high-quality online art dealership. For further information about the official rules, please visit: click here
Source: Press Release