NEWS - Thursday, December 13, 2018

Neverwinter is Getting it's Next Content Drop in January 2019.
Hey Neverwinter fans, we hope you are paying attention, as we have the lateest news on new content that is set to drop into the game that you may still be playing.
The Heart of Fire featuring Acquisitions Incorporated is coming to Neverwinter on January 15, 2019. Written by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik, founders of Penny Arcade, the latest module for the free-to-play MMORPG set in the Forgotten Realms (and beyond), features popular Acquisitions Incorporated characters Omin Dran, Jim Darkmagic and Walnut Dankgrass (voiced by Holkins, Krahulik and Amy Falcone, respectively). The campaign leads adventurers on an exciting path through the ranks of the famous adventuring company, from eager intern to a grizzled, full-fledged team member.
Sow, what can you expect? Content for The Heart of Fire spans the entire leveling experience, allowing adventurers to begin experiencing Acquisitions Incorporated’s signature irreverent humor beginning at level 15. Seek a relic from Dungeons & Dragons’ past while weaving through a beholder convention, riding in the company airship and fighting alongside Jim Darkmagic inside the Manycoins Bank.
It is also noted that the Professions system will receive an overhaul, allowing players to own their own workshop. In addition, we have also included a number of improvements to class balance and rewards, all arriving when the module releases on console early next year.
Source: Press Release/YouTube