NEWS - Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Mable & The Wood Coming Out on Xbox One This Summer
Get ready to slay monsters and take their form as Graffiti Games and Triplevision Games have announced that Metroidvania game Mable & The Wood will release on Xbox One this summer. To celebrate the reveal of the console version, Triplevision has released a new trailer with new gameplay of the dangerous beasts that plague Mable. Check it out below:
So, what can you expect from this newly announced game?
In Mable players hunt down massive beasts and, upon destroying them, shapeshift into their forms in order to use their powers to save or destroy the world. Players with less violent intent can find secret paths to complete Mable without killing anything, including bosses. Unlike most Metroidvanias Mable does not allow players to run, jump and kill on their own. Instead, they must use non-human forms to attack creatures and traverse through difficult challenges.
Some of the games key features include:
- Free Reign – Players are free to make decisions on how they play and who they slay.
- Combat is Movement - Mable isn’t strong enough to lift her magical sword, so she must use it in unique ways to help move through the world. Players can use non-human forms to harm enemies for a limited time, but vanquishing creatures extends her power.
- Hunt Great Beasts and Take Their Shape - Defeat the great beasts to take their abilities and transform into a giant mole, medusa, spider and more.
- Explore a Dying World - A large and varied fantasy world, brought to life with state-of-the-art pixel technology and a beautiful original soundtrack.
- Multiple Endings – Mable features different routes to take through the world and secrets to discover that provide players with multiple endings.
Well, there you have it fellow gaming fans, a new Metroidvania game coming soon, and we hope to have more information as we near the game’s release date.
Source: Press Release/YouTube