NEWS - Wednesday, February 17, 2021

DayZ Gets Major Stability Update And Schedules a Complete Wipe
A new update and a complete wipe of the servers brings a noticeable performance revamp and a better gameplay experience
Bohemia Interactive is delighted to announce the release of update 1.11 for its multiplayer zombie survival game, DayZ, which is now available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. The new update stabilizes important features of the game, significantly improving the overall experience for players. Behavior of zombies, interaction with vehicles, sea fishing, horticulture, damage triggers, server capacity and more.

If you were wondering what happened to the base building contest that took place in September last year, you will be happy to know the winning flag designs are available to use in-game.
- Fixed various zombie behaviors such as the infected colliding and going through the player’s character.
- Interaction with cars is more realistic, fixing random character bugs when entering and leaving cars.
- No more strange interruptions when sea fishing
- Huge improvements to horticulture
- Polished damage dealing and triggers
- Massive improvement on the engine script, allowing servers to load more mods than ever before.