NEWS - Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Adds "Braver" Class Today
Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Adds "Braver" Class in Todays Update
Braver is The First Class Update for the Newly Launched Free-To-Play Online Action RPG
SEGA today announced the first class update for Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis, the "Braver" class, is now live.
The newly added Braver class features two new weapons that make them deadly to foes in close quarters or at range, the Katana and Photon Bow. The Katana is the Bravers melee weapon of choice that is used for delivering a flurry lightning-quick slash. Bravers using the Katana can utilize the powerful passive skill "Katana Photon Art Combo" to gain up to three levels of action changes when the same Photon Art is used in succession. Bravers can switch to the Photon Bow to deal consistent damage in long-range combat. Bravers can launch a barrage of Photon arrows while disengaged from melee and attack while charging massive final blows at enemies.
The exclusive class skill "Brave Combat" reduces PP consumption for a set amount of time and while active, will launch a powerful finishing attack. With the release of the Braver class, instructor Dierdre offers tasks for players to practice their new skills and weapons.
Players can get outfits, hairstyles, and emotes based on the new class through the SG Scratch Ticket "Astute Braver".
To learn more about all the updates coming to Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis in August, watch the most recent NGS Headline: