NEWS - Sunday, January 27, 2002

Snowed In!
Talk about a snowy christmas! I live in Burnaby, British colubmia, Canada (5 minutes from Vancouver, BC, Canada) and it's been Showing for the last day! I cannot even see my car anymore! My city is under a heavy snowfall warning. I'll say! I steped outside to walk my dog to the garden, and the snow was up to my bellybutton! As for my dog, the second he jumped off the deck, he sinked into the snow! But we're inside now so all is well.

This picture refreshes every hour.
The reason why I am posting this, is to warn all the XBA visitors from the Lower Mainland to stay inside like they said on the radio and expect it to slow down around midngiht. (Let's just hope it'll stop!) So stay off the roads unless you REALLY have to and for safety, check on your elderly by giving them a phone call!
It's expected to stop by morning, but it's also suppost to come back on thursday! :-(