NEWS - Thursday, March 14, 2002

XIII Announced
Ubi Soft Entertainment announced the development of XIII, a unique first-person shooter (FPS) game that creates a completely interactive graphic novel within a cel-shaded world. XIII is based on the comic license of the same name from Belgium comic book author, Jean Van Hamme, and the game will be powered with next-generation Unreal Engine technology. XIII will appear across the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system, Nintendo GameCube, the Xbox video game system from Microsoft and PC CD-ROM and is targeted for a Q1 2003 release. "We are constantly striving to push the gaming envelope, and XIII will create a world so unique and enthralling that gamers will become instantly engaged, said Laurent Detoc, president of Ubi Soft Entertainment. "From the revolutionary first-person cel-shade animation, Unreal technology and unique storyline, XIII reaches the limits of interactive gameplay never experienced before." XIII is the first FPS to utilize cel-shaded graphics to create a visually stunning effect unique within the action genre. The next-generation animation and Unreal Engine technology combine to illustrate XIII's complex and immersive story. XIII features a conspiracy of epic proportions, and players will unravel clues behind the story's compelling and mysterious events through the game's unique flashback visuals. Ubi Soft, one of the world's largest video game publishers, has a dedicated internal development team to ensure XIII's gameplay is innovative and offers a finely balanced combination of action and stealth, while showing players as-yet unheard of levels of interactivity and freedom. The Unreal technology will enable development to ensure that textures are exceptionally smooth, enemy artificial intelligence is at the pinnacle of technological game design, as well as being perfectly fluid animated, even at high frame rates. Multiplayer gameplay features a host of new modes, with 4-player split screen on all console formats, and online play on both PC and Xbox. Be sure to check out the first concept images in the XIII product profile page.Source: