NEWS - Monday, July 22, 2002

Microsoft teams up with Level 3 for Xbox Live
Cnet has an article about powerhouse Level 3 providing bandwidth over its network for Microsofts Xbox Live. Here is a clip of the article:"Level 3 will provide co-location services, which will give customers local hook-up to the Xbox Live Network; access to the Internet backbone through Level 3s CrossRoads service; and wide-area networking support via its Packet MPLS Private Networks service. Broomfield, Colo.-based Level 3 provides a range of Internet infrastructure services. It maintains the dial-up modem banks that America Online customers use to connect to the Internet and serves up bandwidth to corporations and other network operators over its fiber-optic network. The company has fared better than many of its competitors during the communications industry meltdown, attracting new investment and buying several software firms. "