NEWS - Saturday, January 6, 2001

And there we have it!
Just finished watching the webcast of Bill Gates keynote address broadcast live via Microsofts official Xbox site. The Xbox final design was shown, and dare I say, it was impressive! The Xbox was shown in action, operating at a mere 1/5 power potential! We were treated to demos of Malice, and Munchs Oddysee. Both games were very impressive graphically, as Im certain they will be in playability. A special apperance was made by the Rock (both in the IRC hosted chat, as well as along side Mr. Gates on stage.) And, what I was sure we would hear was from the Rock himself:
sol_msxbox: When will we see the Rock on the Xbox?
ItsTheRock: By the years end youre gonna see the most electrifying console ever in the Xbox and of course the most elctrifying game EVER..
ItsTheRock: in what is titled Raw is War by THQ
sol_msxbox: very sweet! another title for us to look forward too
Loads of good chat info was to be found in the chat, and you can swing over to MsXbox and check out their logs of the event. And, if your looking for more information and screenshots of the Xbox (controller included) head on over to IgnXbox and check out their write ups on the controller and system itself. Theyve also got some screenies up from Munchs Oddysee and Malice.