NEWS - Friday, September 13, 2002

MechAssault Diaries, Part 3
Derek "mantis" Carroll, a designer at FASA Studios, developers of Mech Assault, has just updated the MechAssault online diaries section over at the mothership with some new info and some killer new movies showcasing the new physics of Kick. Kick you say? A mech can kick? Heres Derek to explain:Theres a certain point in most games development cycles where the project suddenly goes from "This is sucky and broken, but theres some good stuff in there…" to "Wow, this is awesome, except for that one little thing!" Luckily, MechAssault has passed that point, and were moving on to fixing the bugs and tweaking the balance. There have been some really fun bugs that weve smashed lately, like bad designer math that made DFA attacks do ten times the damage we wanted. Stay in school, kids... math can kill. Speaking of which, yes, the classic Death From Above (jump-jetting and landing on your opponents head) is alive and well in MechAssault, and its just as satisfying as ever. SMASH! …Which leads me to my next-favorite thing in the game, KICK! You see, there are vehicles in MechAssault. Puny, insignificant vehicles. Buses, trucks, passenger cars, things of that nature. No longer are you limited to destroying these nuisances with a mighty stomp of your Mechs foot—in MechAssault, you can send these pests flying as you charge through their base on your way to your objective.You can read the rest of the online journal and check out the two new movies right here.