NEWS - Saturday, December 7, 2002

Nightcaster II:Equinox Interview recently posted an interview with Adam Maxwell, the lead designer of Nightcaster II:Equinox. Heres what Adam said about Nightcasters storyline:
Fansofxbox : Any hints you can give us on the storyline we will be unfolding in Nightcaster II? AM : This game takes place almost 20 years after the first Nightcaster. Arran & Madelyn, returning from the first game, are now married and have been living a relatively normal life since the Nightcaster was defeated and the essences of magic were scattered across the realms. Unfortunately, their well-deserved fairy tale ending is disrupted when armies begin massing; each striving to collect all of the magical essences and the power they represent. Arran & Madelyn are called upon to collect the essences first and dispose of them once and for all to prevent them from being used as weapons by these conquering armies. The game pretty much starts there; the rest Ill leave for players to discover.
To find out how the rest of the interview goes, click here.