NEWS - Monday, January 20, 2003

Starsky & Hutch official site launched
Empire Interactive has today launched the official Web site for Starsky & Hutch. The action-packed driving game, which will be released for the PC, GBA, and all three current console platforms, is inspired by the '70s TV show of the same name. The show was perhaps best known for the tomato red-and-white Ford Torino that was driven by the titular plain-clothed police officers, and which players will get to drive around a game world spanning some 10 square miles. The official site launched today features sections covering the history of the TV show, gameplay details, screenshots, concept art, and a competition looking for Starsky & Hutch look-alikes. Starsky & Hutch is scheduled for release on the PC and PS2 in April, with an Xbox version following in May. The previously unannounced GBA and GameCube versions of the game are scheduled to ship in September. We'll bring you more information on Starsky & Hutch as it becomes available. click hereSource: