NEWS - Saturday, April 5, 2003

Midtown Madness 3 Documentary
Microsoft Game Studios today released a behind-the-scenes documentary for Midtown Madness 3, the over-the-top Xbox racing game. In this rare in-depth look at the ways of motion capture, one man stands above all others in his quest to be the most life-like diving pedestrian for Midtown Madness 3. Follow motion capture artist Michael White as he researches his role, watching traffic patterns and practicing the fine art of vehicular avoidance. Whites experience is unparalleled in the industry. Not only is he credited as a driver in Project Gotham Racing, but White also comes from a legendary family that revolutionized motion capture artistry. The Midtown Madness 3 documentary may be viewed right here. Please... do not take this too seriously, oh and Windows Media player is required.Source: