NEWS - Thursday, May 1, 2003
Microsoft Week starts Tonight! Winners!
Policy update!!! All winners from the 30 Day Giveaway will have a chance on May 10th to win the 2 BIG prizes from KDS and APC. Those winner will be the only ones able to win those prizes, so if you want to win, get in on the 8 Days for the Microsoft segment of the giveaway. I will email all winners to notify them of the changes and when to be in the chatroom to win. Here are tonights Questions: 1.) Private Message/Chat me a link to or email me a picture of Dirk the Daring, the Action Figure. Answer: This can be found by doing an internet search. 2.) Which XBA staffer was the host for last nights giveaway?? (example: Josh-XBA) Answer: Flood-XBA Here are tonights Winners! GrizzlySuit - Dragons Lair 3D No Fear 23 - Nyko AirFlo Controller Join us for the Start of an 8 Day Microsoft week that leads up to the finale day. 9 PM EST in the Chatroom!Source: