NEWS - Monday, May 19, 2003

More Mech Assualt Live Content
Microsoft today announced that the second batch of new downloadable content is now available for "MechAssault" via Xbox Live. This second update adds the highly anticipated Capture the Flag mode with two new maps for flag games: Midtown Mayhem and Desert Storm. Two new 70-ton BattleMechs, Loki and Hellbringer, have also been added to the fray.Thanks to the Hellbringer's loadout, a new weapon also appears in "MechAssault" -- the Flamer. (You'll never guess what it shoots!) But wait, there's more! Update #2 also ushers in some changes to make playing online a little smoother. A rematch option has been added for players who want to immediately jump back into the action with the same people they were just playing. Also, it is now easier to tell who is talking, both in the lobby and during the game. In the lobby, the Gamertag of the person speaking will now flash. During play, when a person is speaking, that Gamertag will flash with a "talk" icon in the upper right corner of the screen.Source: