NEWS - Monday, October 27, 2003

Dreamcatcher Halloween Blowout Details
Dreamcatcher Halloween Blowout Rules reserves the right to change the rules whenever necessary. To be eligible:- You must be a current member of SIGN UP HERE if you are not a current member.
- Current & past staff members or employees of in the last 6 months or any of our sponsors are not eligible.
- Current and past employees or staff members of other Xbox gaming sites are not eligible.
- Persons that are or have been banned from or have caused trouble in the past or present at are ineligible. This includes the three strike system implimented in the forums for If you have 2 strikes against you in the past MONTH, you will not be able to win during that day of the giveaway.
- One winner per household only.
- One prize per person.
- All winners must first pass through our verification process. We reserve the right to not award any or all prizes as we see fit.
- Trivia or Quizzes
- Email Submissions (i.e. Screenshots)
- Private chat submissions
- Random drawings
- Other (ideas can pop out of nowhere)
- *Sites Participation -
- Read and understand these rules! Contact if you need clarification on the rules.
- When I talk, you dont. Simple. Im not a hard ass about that, I just mute the chat lounge. Please dont get bent out of shape when you cant chat. This is to police the chat lounge and so that everyone will be able to get the information they need for a contest/giveaway.
- When submitting answers to questions or submitting whatever is asked for, please include everything indicated by the Host.(i.e. Email Subject Lines, how to answer a question in the chat lounge.) This makes my life easier when determining a winner.
- Spelling and accuracy counts.
- Please do NOT message me during a giveaway unless I message you first. (i.e. getting info to send you your prize) This is a distraction to me and slows up the giveaway/contest for everyone. I will just ignore you. Message one of the other operators/moderators in the chat lounge if you have a question.
- Immature behavior and language will not be tolerated in the chat lounge, ever. Three Strike system used in the forums will be used in the chat lounge. First is a warning. Second, you are banned from the chat lounge for a day. Third, you will be banned from the chat lounge till further notice.
- Answers submitted via chat lounge; winners will be determined by what is on my screen. LAG can affect the lounge at any time. What i see on my screen could be different from what you see on yours. Do NOT raise a fuss if this happens.
- Past winners of this contest/giveaway should NOT answer any more questions, unless stated otherwise. If it becomes a problem, you will be BANNED from the chat lounge and risk losing your prize.
- Please do not try to win prizes you do not want to win. If you forfeit your prize, you will be ineligible to win the rest of the giveaway. Even if the prize you won isnt announced before you won it, same ruling applies. Its free, take it!
- My ruling on anything is final.
- The Ops/moderators will be policing the chat lounge. Their rulings are final.
- The may be some Guest Host or other XBA Staffers running the giveaway at times. These rules apply no matter who is the host!
- XBA and the Contest Guru reserves the right to change the rules during the giveaway but NOT during the contest.