NEWS - Sunday, March 4, 2001

Serphim Interview
The guys from VoodooExtreme had the chance to talk with the "BMAN" himself, Brian Babendererde from Valkyrie Studios about the upcoming multi-platform title of Angeliic proportions Seraphim. Along with the interview comes 3 new screenshots to spooge over. Heres the link to check it out.
Voodoo Extreme: Considering the amount of leeway youre giving players with respect to character creation and character evolution, do you see players experiencing a different game depending upon those choices?Once youve checked out their interview, be sure to head back here and see what we found out with our interview with the BMAN.Brian: Absolutely. If a player wants to create a fast Seraphim that is good at getting out of the way of spells, but sacrifices firepower to do so, he can. If the player wants to create a behemoth that can withstand great punishment but is too slow to catch up with fast moving adversaries, so be it. These changes will affect not only the player’s play experience in terms of the actual action, but also in terms of where the missions will take him. Let’s say the slower character is great at stopping a huge flying invasion force of ships, but is too slow to get to a second objective in the level in time. That’s okay, the player doesn’t lose the game, the game moves on and the player finds that his failure has affected the next mission, and quite possibly the story as well!