NEWS - Friday, May 7, 2004

Timesplitters Future Perfect Revealed
One of EA’s most eagerly anticipated titles at this year’s E3 must be the third game in Free Radical’s Timesplitters series (available on PS2, Xbox and GC). Predictably, it will follow the adventures of Cortez as he seeks to eliminate those pesky time-splitting fiends from the history books. It should all be as expected: single player and co-op modes, 16 player death-matches, online play and a fun-packed Arcade mode. It is claimed to contain several hundred hours worth of action, which is just about believable thanks to the proven longevity of its prequel. The most exciting feature, feeding from PS2’s online support, has to be the new and improved Map Editor. Players will be able to create their own levels, and then invite other online folk to step in for a rumble. This feature will of course also take advantage of a healthy library of pre-designed levels for those less creatively inclined. Expect more hype-mongering over the course of next week, and the finished product some time at the start of 2005.Source: