NEWS - Tuesday, May 11, 2004

UbiSoft announces Splinter Cell 3
With Pandora Tomorrow riding high in the charts and on reviewers' game of the month lists, it wasn't a question of if there would be another Splinter Cell sequel, but when. Today, at the E3 convention in Los Angeles, Ubisoft let gamers know they'll be able to strap on Sam Fisher's night-vision goggles by the year's end.While Pandora Tomorrow ran on the same engine as the first game in the series, Splinter Cell 3 will be based on "never-before-seen graphics technology" which will feature rag-doll physics, particle effects, and interactive environments. The revamped graphics will also give Fisher a new repertoire of deadly moves, including stealth-kill maneuvers like the inverted chokehold and combat knife techniques. There will also be weapons aplenty, including many prototype weapons.
Ubisoft's statement also said Splinter Cell 3 will also feature "totally open level design with multipaths and optional secondary objectives." The game's AI will also be totally new, giving non-player characters personal attributes, natural behavior, and letting them "remember" events. Multiplayer co-op play will also make a return in a series of all-new multiplayer challenges.
Like its predecessors, Splinter Cell 3's story concerns Fisher embarking on another series of deep-penetration stealth missions for the secret agency Third Echelon. Set in 2008, the game centers on a series of information warfare attacks originating from North Korea.