NEWS - Thursday, June 24, 2004

Halo Meets Imax Thanks To Max Games
Practice your fast reaction times and warm up your nimble fingers for The Techs 3rd Annual MaxGames Video Game Tournament, Friday, July 23, 2004! Step-up and play video games on Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube and Sony PlayStation2 consoles, with the final four on select games facing off on the Giant Dome Screen. Weve posted the preliminary list of games selected for this year, as well as rules of conduct for players and spectators. Weve also brought back the pizza chats with reps from the The Art Institute of California - San Francisco and International Game Developers Association. Get the insiders scoop on how you can be part of developing tomorrows video games. Look to the schedule of the day for when and where! Maxgames v.3 will also feature two of the creators of the well-known Red vs. Blue mechanime series. Drop in on their pizza chat during daytime play, then during the night play check out Red vs. Blue episodes projected on the Giant Dome Screen during the evening. Bungie, developers of HALO and HALO 2, will also showcase a hi-res version of their nine-minute trailer for the upcoming HALO 2. Dont forget, volunteer opportunities at this years Maxgames are available! If you volunteer for 1-shift, you can play one game during another shift for free. Check out whats available. Check back after June 30th for day-of-play schedule and online registration form! Youll also get a sneak peak at the prize list. For all the information regarding the tournament visit the offical websiteSource: