NEWS - Tuesday, June 29, 2004

The Punisher Gets A Release Date
The Punisher from Marvel Comics has been around since the 80's but soon it will be going digital and appearing on a console near you. The series has been the subject of video games before, landing a game on the NES and as a stand-alone arcade title. The current game will feature the vigilante justice of Frank Castle, an ex-FBI agent whose family was slaughtered by a criminal syndicate. The game's release date is currently slated for November 9th and will be for Xbox and PlayStation 2. The plotline for the The Punisher will be taken from the original story that was written by the Garth Ennis and Jimmy Palmiotti. The game will feature all of the top-flight baddies from the series and will allow gamers to unleash their inner Punisher with a variety of interactive options.Source: