NEWS - Friday, March 16, 2001

H.B.O & Matt Soell
With Halo and Munchs Oddysee being the only two XBOX titles that were shown at Gamestock that had peoples heads spinning, the guys at got the lowdown from Bungies Community guy, Matt Soell about what was shown and why so many talked about features for Halo were not present. The Q&A with Matt offered some answers to gamers complaints about movies with no sound, the lack of rolling terrain, virtually no plant life and the solid green hills that were shown in the Halo Gamestock footage. Click here to check it out.
HBO: John Howard made some pretty frightening comments to the effect that there might not be a multiplayer aspect to Halo (unless Gamespot completely misquoted him) - How possible is this, and what happened?MS: I think John was attempting to follow the long Bungie tradition of not promising a whole lot when things arent 100% definite.
There are some important Xbox networking questions that dont have definite answers yet. Until we get those answers, we dont want to make promises about networking.
Were still working on multiplayer (and I would amend Johns comments so they read "there are two people working FULL-TIME on multiplayer"). Were just waiting for some answers before we shoot our mouths off
The multiplayer, or the lack of, dilemma seems to be cropping up quite a bit in the news lately. With a large part of the gaming world who still hasnt heard anything about the XBOX, the network issue could be a devastating blow to gamers perception of the machine and what its capable of doing. Lets hope that MS steps up and states exactly what the plan is.